
2007年8月30日 天朗氣清
下午去了位於SOHO的Apple Store, 在這裡再增加一張到此一遊照。
3 則留言:
而家好似仲係at&t獨家, 但有報導話外國有個靚仔破到. 但睇怕有排.
Yes, some people claim that they have unlock iPhone already!!
Check out this link: http://www.engadget.com/2007/08/24/iphone-unlocked-atandt-loses-iphone-exclusivity-august-24-2007/
Some people in HK use Turbo Sim to "cut and paste" sim card also managed to "unlock" iPhone. "Operation" cost HK$6,000!
Just read the news this morning, cost for unlock iPhone just dropped to HK$1,500. You may consider getting one when you're in the West Coast!