

2008年12月28日 蘇GOOD第二季25集 : 呢集介紹一間係港島大坑既西餐廳,上openrice睇過,食過既人都對呢間食肆劣評如潮。既然幫襯唔過,就不如自己整,我靠short term memory將材料同做法記下,今晚跟住佢整,味道唔錯,不過長通粉可以再腍啲。

做法: (1) 先煮熟長通粉備用; (2) 用牛油起鑊 (我改用橄欖油)爆香蒜頭; (3) 加白酒; (4) 加長通粉; (5) 加煙肉 (我另加了磨菇同洋蔥,全都是整pizza剩下來的); (6)加上herbs (我忘記了加) 炒勻; (7) 熄火加一只蛋黃拌勻后上碟。

因為節目內沒有說明材料份量, 其實全部都係靠估,所以出來的成品沒有走曬樣,已經同自己講合格喇。



好想整pizza不過一直唔知點樣整,早前發現一個超正的blog http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!SHLegiaYBRW.jh2TWXtyCA--裡面有好多好食的餸菜,最讚的是有清楚的菜譜同步驟照片,而且係香港人既blog,用既材料都係可以係香港好容易買得到,呢個blog既質素一啲都唔會比食譜書差,我有好多野食都係抄佢的菜譜,在此特別鳴謝Miss Jubie。
言歸正傳,今日呢個pizza餅底做法就係參照Miss Jubie’s 既菜譜。詳細份量同做法不在此重覆,介紹你地去Miss Jubie’s blog,一定會大有收獲。


Strawberry Yogurt Mousse


好少有咁大既製作,今年聖誕的中學同學聚會有新攪作,就是每一單位要準備一個菜式,我只懂做糕餅點心,理所當然是做甜品,可以做既甜品實在太多,不過係呢啲大時大節人人都食到超曬錶既情況下,一啲比較fresh既甜點應該會比cheese cake, pudding這類超heavy既甜點受歡迎。

係呢個前提下, 我揀咗呢款甜點,佢有yogurt所以味道係酸酸甜甜,加上有新鮮士多啤梨果肉,吃的人應該會幾受落, 不過做這一個功夫可不少, 菜譜是跟9月份做的芒果慕絲杯一樣, 只是將芒果改為士多啤梨,因為分量多又需要時間冷藏凝固所以前一天先做下層的士多啤梨慕絲, 當天才做上層的士多啤梨啫喱, 足足花了一天時間才攪定, 幸好大家都喜歡這個甜品, 做甜品的樂趣就在於此。


A very sad day in my life

17 Dec 2008

仔仔 has been diagnosed with liver cancer at final stage 4 months ago. My family (including 仔仔) are fighting the battle against liver cancer in the past few months, we knew that we are no chance to win, but at least 仔仔 did not suffer any pain till he died. My family made the decision to have 仔仔 put to sleep in last Saturday afternoon as he no longer could walk and eat. Then, we called the veterinarian and private individual cremation servcies. I cannot stop my tears when I am thinking of what will happen in next day.

Sunday morning, we left home to the veterinarian at 11:15am and 仔仔 was given the "needle" at 12:15pm. He was sleeping during the injection, so he passed away peacefully. Afterwards, the cremation services provider picked up his body to their office in Kowloon Bay. My sister, my brother-in-law and I accompany 仔仔 all the way. Since we don't want his body kept in the refrigerator, we selected to do the cremation right after sterilizing and cleaning. At 2:00pm, we put his ashes into the urn and bring him home.

仔仔 was born 22 June 1992. He became one of my family members when he is only two month old. That means, he stayed with my family over 16.5 years. If we count his age in "Human Years", he is about 90. In Chinese culture, we should not feel sad about his death because he is aged over 80.

I understand that allowed 仔仔 to go peacefully - that was one of the nicest, most selfless things I could do for him. However, I lost my beloved dog just within a few hours, the wound is so huge that it will take a long time to heal.

I still cannot stop my tears when I am thinking of him. I miss him so much.




2008年12月6日小時侯你們有沒有吃過小小的磅裝小蛋糕?? 我在N世紀前買了一大包小蛋糕的紙模一直未有用, 早幾天忽發奇想的想整小蛋糕, 上網搜了幾個菜譜都不太喜歡, 終於給我找到這一個, 不過現在已記不起出處。

做完看到一大盤小蛋糕, 勾起許多兒時回憶, 舊時家裡樓下的冰室、麵包舖、辦館士多、粥舖, 香港的變化真的很大很大, 相信只有跟我同一代的才會有共鳴。